It's was off to the theatre for EGG and I for we had tickets to see Shirley Valentine, the V letter of our Alphabet Weekend.
It was a true testimony to EGG's commitment to Alphabet Weekends that he did this for Shirley Valentine is the stage equivalent of a chick-flick and he was only one of a handful of men at the theatre. Actually the mere presence of EGG and I lowered the average age of the crowd by about 20 years.
However, Shirley Valentine was wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it once I got my head around the fact that she was vicariously talking to the audience via the wall. EGG missed all that though because he slept through the whole thing. He actually snored, but Shirley was in mid-rant so I think I was the only one who heard.
I got a bit excited at the end though when Shirley left her horrible husband for a new life in the Greek Islands. Sounds like a great plan to me only I want to take EGG with me.
I'm trying to convince EGG that we should throw our jobs in and do the same. We could do Alphabet Countries. Now there's a plan.
V is for (Shirley) Valentine.