Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A is for Almade Tango

The quest was on to find the perfect A. Something that EGG wouldn't guess and something I wanted to do which immediately cancelled out abseiling. I thought about the Art Gallery (boring--not the gallery, but the idea was hardly original). I saw that the Lions were playing Port Adelaide but we were in middle of a cold snap and I wasn't that keen.

I'd been seeing all these snippet about the Festitalia and was keen to go. I got onto their website and there it was, the answer that I was looking for--Almade Tango. EGG and I have a bit of history with Latin dancing. I dragged him along for some classes last year and we were truly terrible. There were only two people in our class (EGG and me) and still they couldn't teach us how to dance. Well here was our second chance.

All excited, I printed the info off the website and put it in a bright yellow envelope. SSS (Sometimes Sweet Sixteen-year-old) was most impressed with my ingenuity (the event, not the fact I can print off from a website). I held out all day Saturday and presented him with the envelope on Sunday morning. The look on his face was priceless.
"Have you forgotten how bad we are at this?"
"No, we'll be fine. That bloke mustn't have been a very good teacher. We'll be great!"

After a delayed start we finally arrived at the RNA for Festitalia and our Saturday (Sunday) Night Fever moment. Well Saturday Night Fever never arrived. There were so many people--you've got to hand to Brissie people, they turn up in droves to support an event.

We had foolishly waited until peak time to arrive. We lined up for 20 minutes for food, we wouldn't line up for 20 minutes for coffee. So a bit thirsty and full of lasagne that we ate sitting on the grass (that was too close to the men's toilet) we had a look at the program that we had bought. Almade Tango was not programmed for another two hours!!!

Just then a cold wind kicked in, blowing our food plates over. I took it as a sign, and after depositing said plates in the nearest bin, decided that we might give Almade Tango a miss.

A is not for Almade Tango--I should have taken him abseiling!

I Know What We'll Do--Alphabet Weekends

Having just survived the most fantastic anniversay party, Easy Going Guy (EGG) and myself were experiencing a bit of an anti-climax. You know that anti-climax you get about five minutes after all the Christmas presents are opened and the wrapping paper is stewn around the floor? Well that's what we were like. We'd spent months planning our cocktail party and now what?

Itwas from a book that my bright idea evolved. I had just finished Elizabeth Noble's Alphabet Weekends (OK book, great story premise) and the plan evolved from there. Every weekend we would take an alternate letter of the alphabet and plan an activity around that letter. Simple.

I sat long-suffering EGG down and we nutted out some rules.
  • it had to be something that we wouldn't usually do
  • it had to be something that we would both enjoy
  • it couldn't be too expensive
  • no swapping letters
  • the letter owner had to organise all of the arrangements
  • activities were not to be divulged until the weekend
I couldn't wait for the weekend. I had A.